To: Nikita Thukral. From: Kannada producers

The withdrawal of the “ban” on the actress Nikita Thukral by the Karnataka film producers’ association may appear as if wisdom finally dawned on the moneybags of the Kannada tinsel world after all the scorching criticism that their sexist move attracted across the nation, from the media and from other actors.

Far from it.

Above is the letter from Muniratna Naidu, the producers association president, to the actress who was caught in the civil war in the home of the “Challenged Star”, Darshan. Each sentence drips with sarcasm, showing not the contrition of a group which has seen the light, but one which is convinced of its inherent right to pig-headed arrogance.

Among the other gems in the letter:

“It was our foolishness to impose a ban on such a good girl.”

“We have understood our mistake thanks to several intellectuals.”

“This is a free country, anybody can go anywhere. Who are we to stop them?”

“Henceforth, Nikita can go anywhere, act in any film. We have no objection.”

“The word ‘ban’ has been banned from the Kannada film industry.”

“If there is such a thing as reincarnation, we pray to be born as [Darshan‘s wife] Vijayalakshmi‘s younger sister.”

Also read: What Darshan’s brutality says about Scandalwood

CHURUMURI POLL: Should Darshan be banned?

Darshan scandal reveals Kannada bias, bigotry’